Friday, September 14, 2018


If you are taking this course as a freelance photographer, you must come to a photo ethics workshop. Please see me on Thursday to set up a time).
Also, please check in with me, Brett, Ferry or Brigette for a weekly assignment with due date.
You are given 25 points for every photo assignment that you complete.


Last week, we discussed our publication as a whole -  the sections, the content, and your job as editors. We discussed the evolution of the content you produce, from the idea, to the storytelling (text, video, photos) to publishing, to promoting. I will be giving you a handout to further explain this process.

We talked about analytics and the importance of promoting your content. 

Everyone needs to have access to Google analytics. You will be expected to present the analytics of your content each week, who you have promoted your story to, and the progress of your content on a daily basis. I will go over this more on Thursday. If you do not have access, see me on Tuesday or Thursday so I can add you. 

If you are an editor, you are expected to stay in the newsroom for the entirety of the JOUR 106 class:
Thursdays 11:30-2:40  + 3.25 Hours by Arrangement

Just because a story is published on Thursday DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOUR JOB IS DONE. You will stay in the newsroom to work on stories, content development, and story promotion. The class runs until 2:40 with 3.5 hours by arrangement. Those hours are to be used for production. To be clear, production is working on the publication to make it better, NOT JUST PUBLISHING ONE STORY IN THE QUEUE.

SEE THE SYLLABUS: Note that if you are an editor, you are given 25 points each week. If you do not fulfill your duties as an editor in the class, you do not receive those points. If you are still unclear about what the duties of an editor are, I will be giving you a handout to accompany the Student Media Policy Manual.
If you leave, or you do not meet your deadlines as outlined by the EIC and managing editor, you forfeit your points.

THURSDAY: We will have our first editorial board meeting of the semester at 2 pm. Editorial board meetings are mandatory. We will go over the Student Media Policy Manual and any issues that need addressed.

Friday, September 7, 2018



This week we will have a lecture on procedures. We need to get organized so the pitches and productions run well.

If you are an editor, or beat editor, you should be keeping a list of ideas for content.

PHOTOGRAPHERS: You should already have been given at least one assignment to complete, and have completed it. If you haven't, please see me on Thursday.

See you on Thursday.