Saturday, October 26, 2019



EDITORS: Production is on Tuesday. Please come prepared with your content for the week, and the one that follows. 

IF YOU ARE TRAVELING:  Think about stories to cover while in DC. This is your chance to write a story, or create a video, interviewing some of the biggest and best in journalism, not to mention, politics. Go live!! Create some awesome content that you will be proud of for years to come.

FREELANCERS/CONTRIBUTORS:  Please have content ready for this week, and the following week. If you are unsure what to cover, contact the section editors on Slack for suggestions, or DM.

See you on Tuesday

Friday, October 18, 2019


Last week due to midterms finishing early in the 102 class, production began early. Everyone was working on something and we appear to be on schedule. Melody continues to work on our website, and Kassandra has designed a new logo. She and I have a meeting with the Washington Post tech person on Thursday so I am hoping our web issues will be resolved.

All students in the JOUR 106 class are to be working on SAC.Media and @SAConScene, producing content as requested by the EIC or section editors, or initiated by you as an editor.

It is YOUR responsibility to check the course blog every week.

It is also YOUR responsibility to let Josh and Natalie know what is coming in. It is YOUR responsibility to meet all deadlines, or if you cannot meet a deadline, to create content to replace the one you cannot complete.

ALSO:  IT IS IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND THAT IF YOU ARE AN EDITOR, YOU MUST BE IN PRODUCTION UNTIL NATALIE SIGNS OFF ON ALL OF YOUR WORK.  I will be checking the Arc Platform this weekend to see if all the section editors have their content for next week signed off to Leni, and ready to go with headlines, subheadlines, and visuals coordinated with Abraham.

PHOTOGRAPHERS:  Please check in with me this week to go over your assignments to date.

IMPORTANT:  NEWSROOM IS CLOSED ON THURSDAY, OCT. 31 AND PRODUCTION IS MOVED TO TUESDAY, OCT. 29. If you are an editor and cannot be there on Tuesday, you must let me know on Tuesday, Oct. 22 an alternate date to complete your sections.

See you on Tuesday.

See you Thursday!


Hello everyone!

We have now reached midterm! If you are working as a freelance photographer and have not met with me, you MUST meet with me on Thursday.

See you next week.

Friday, October 4, 2019


Hello everyone.

Just an FYI for the editors: In case you didn't hear, I've hired my former student and SAC.Media EIC Melody Waintal as my web expert to solely work on our website. She is currently a student at USC Annenberg where she was hired to work on their website -  also in partnership with the Washington Post and powered by Arc Publishing. I am hoping she will be able to work out our bugs. Please take the time to go over our site and make a list of the things you notice that are not working properly, or that you think can be improved.

Also, editors must participate in pitch meetings each week. I need to know how many of you are available on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. If that time doesn't work for you, please leave a Slack message as to what time on Tuesday does work. This only applies to EICs, managing editors, and section editors of SAC.Media.

Also, editors and contributors will find a checklist on their computers when they arrive on Tuesday. We will discuss this at a mandatory editorial board meeting at noon on Thursday, This meeting is just for editors.

This week, we will have a workshop on promoting your stories since I don't see everyone posting stories on SAConScene. Every single story that is published needs to be posted with a short tweet and link to your story. If you do not have access to sign into Twitter, please ask ASAP.

I will also need to get all editors on Arc Publishing. If you do not have privileges, please let me know. This requires you to have a short bio and photo.


You will need to see me on Thursday to sign a contract as to what is expected of you for your grade.

We need to have a brainstorming session this week with section and beat editors. I will join your teams to help get the juices flowing, and to help guide you to finding stories.

See you on Thursday.